Monday, April 21, 2008

Putting it all together

Here's a quick little video that Chris and I took of the DoubleTall ExenderShield, plus the Arduino, TouchShield, and Lithium BackPack. We've interfaced the whole thing to an accelerometer, and added some bar graph code Mike's been working on.

I think it'd be really cool to start a Processing / Wiring graphics API on the TouchShield, so graphics could be programmed in the same API model as the Arduino...

And here's another quick video of the same thing:


  1. I'm curious about how exactly the lithium backpack connects to the arduino. It's hard to see in the video where the pins connect to/from (can't find this info on the store site either). Also, does the backpack come with mounting standoffs/screws?

  2. Howdy - yep, the backpack pcb board is labeled right on the back, so you can see the pins. I'll take some photos and a video and upload it. I've tried really hard to print all the pinout labels onto the pcb's, since I always hate having to look up data sheets (I personally can never find them)...

  3. edwin,

    It comes with black standoffs, screws and nuts.

    I posted an article which hopefully helps with your electrical questions.

    Check it out here:

  4. HTML link got chopped,

    "Lithium Backpack: Charging it"
