Thursday, May 22, 2008

A Community of Teachers

I think it is safe to say that all of us go to bed at night (or in the wee hours of the morning if you can't pull yourself away from your new Touchshield) having learned something new that day. In the realm of open source hardware (OSH), it's almost impossible to not learn something new every time you tinker. The best part about this community is that everyone has the same goal which makes it easy for us to relate, learn, and help one another increase our production of newer and cooler products around the clock. What is this goal you ask? World Domination. But you already knew that didn't you.

I'm constantly looking for ways to teach more people how to use OSH and make product design easy and accessible for anyone interested in developing their skills and our community. How can we make the Arduino a more simple building block for newer hobbyists and electrical engineers to create less complex devices?

Personally, I find OSH to be a "learn by doing" experience. Every bit of input or help I can get to give me the feeling that I did something myself is invaluable. Take this opportunity to respond to blogs and comments from people that are new to the community and you will go to bed having learned of your previously untapped potential as a teacher.

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