Tuesday, September 9, 2008

What is the projects page all about?

Well, a couple of folks have written in saying they liked the new projects section, and I’m really flattered (thanks David and Jorge)! That was actually the first thing I’ve ever written in Ruby, and I have to be honest… it wasn’t as easy as everyone makes it out to be, and I'd be lying if I didn't have a lot of help. Seriously, maybe it’s because I grew up with the old school linear programming metaphor etched into my brain, but when it comes to Ruby, I really struggled (I mean it’s kinda nifty to write things out like sentences with the object model, but it can get confusing too).

Anyway, in case you haven’t seen it yet, it looks like this:

I tried really hard to make the colors match. I have to say thanks to my really good friend Matt (no, not me, really, another Matt), who helped me with the graphic design – thanks!

I think the biggest problem is that I couldn't really find something that worked exactly like what I needed. Wiki's were a little too unstructured, and uploading photos can be a pain, most of the source code repositories - even the newer ones - are focused on text, and the description and tutorial part comes later, instruction sites like instructables was the closest for me, but the funny thing is that it's not set up for source code projects... so I guess the answer was to write my own.

I’m going to try to upload all the projects I’ve made with the TouchShield onto the site, since I was running out of places to keep the source code, pictures, and instructions all in one place.

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