The beauty of open source hardware and the Arduino is that there's a ton built-in functions. However, for a Pin Visualizer project I was working on I needed to output an analog voltage on a pin that didn't have hardware PWM.
So here's is a way to put an Analog Voltage on any pin.
1. Arduino
2. 500 ohm resistor
3. 1uF Capacitor
/* Title: PWM on any pin */
/* By: Chris Ladden */
/* www.liquidware.org */
/* Analog output pin */
#define ANALOG_PIN 12
/* The PWM period. For smaller output caps, make this shorter */
#define PWM_PERIOD 100
void setup()
/* Make the pin an output */
/* 20 = 20% duty cycle = 1.0 VDC */
/* 50 = 50% dutyCycle = 1.2 VDC */
/* 70 = 70% duty cycle = 3.5 VDC */
unsigned char dutyCycle=70;
volatile unsigned char x;
void loop()
/* Pin output, high */
digitalWrite(ANALOG_PIN, HIGH);
for (x=0;x
/* Pin output, low */
for (x=0;x< (PWM_PERIOD-dutyCycle);x++) { ; }
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