Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Chapters from the Open Source Hardware Book

Well, there goes all the copies of the book Justin helped to write and make... it definitely seems like a lot of folks are interested in learning more about projects. I asked Justin to set aside a copy of the book for a friend of mine, who flies a lot, and codes his Arduino on flights (I can just imagine the looks he gets from anyone sitting next to him). I also got a fair number of emails over the past couple of days asking for more copies, and details, and sample chapters. So Justin and I decided to start uploading the table of contents and a few chapters of the "book" over to the wiki. It'll take some time to get all the formatting right, so I'll try my best to upload a couple of the first chapters in the next week or so (and I'll also post it here on the blog too). I guess you could sort of call it another book in the growing library of "open source hardware".

Anyway, to start things off, I wanted to pay my thanks to everyone who helped out over the past few months. The opening pages of the book includes a caption dedicating the book to:

David Mellis, Arduino Core Team

Nathan Seidle, Sparkfun

Phil Torrone, Make Magazine

David Cuartielles, Arduino Core Team

Limor Fried, Adafruit Industries

Tom Igoe, New York University

These folks were especially helpful and supportive in helping me learn the Arduino platform back when I first picked it up, so I'm especially thankful to them! However, I'm sure this list will continue to grow longer and longer over the next couple of months.

1 comment:

  1. I'll never forget when I was getting started - these were the folks people would always mention...truly turning hardware open source!
