Thursday, December 11, 2008

Riding a bike is cool... but riding a unicycle is really cool

I was checking out the Arduino forums to get some ideas for my next project... and that's when it hit me. An RGB LED (Red, Green, Blue Light Emitting Diode)... in my last project I used a TouchShield to change colors depending on my mood

RED = Angry

Blue = Hungry

Magenta = Tired

Black = Sleeping

White = Excited

Orange = Happy

Yellow = Worried


The TouchShield is an OLED (Organic LED) screen with a total of 49,152 LEDs.

16,384 Red LEDs

16,384 Green LEDs

16,384 Blue LEDs

I thought I was soooo cool with my LED Matrix... but as it turns out, people are having just as much fun with one LED as I was with forty-nine thousand of them.


RGB Lamp Test from Mike Mc on Vimeo.

I rest my case.

1 comment:

  1. I recently found the same joy in just one 4 lead RGB led and 3 PWM pins on the arduino.

    fun things to try

    cut a small hole in pingpong ball and set on top of led for a color cycling/flashing globe. takes about 4 hours to go through all 16mil colors with 3ms per color.

    i made some snowflake vellum covered balsa cubes for some christmas decoration.

    i made some color cycling and flashing paper dice

    i made a litte base to set those laser imaging 3d glass crystal things on. custom color cycling.

    and now for kicks i'm gonna make a little skyline and do a simulated sunrise / sunset color cycle. maybe add in some bird chirps from a piezo, maybe a white led in a ping pong ball for the moon.
