Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Gamepack with InputShield_Ellipses

Matt recently posted the InputShield_Forwarder for the Arduino/InputShield and the InputShield_Display App for use on the Slide/ExtenderShields.

Since then, I've been selfishly wanting to build my own creations off those apps, so I simply slotted my own code into Matt's main loop, and deleted his text display stuff.

Which morphed this App into a graphical display of the Joystick position. It also shows how to scale and translate analog values into more meaningful data. Sinced I mostly used ellipse's to draw the graphics, I called it InputShield_Ellipses!


  1. Great application :)

    I dont know why it oscillate so much with my this video:

    Any suggestion? Thanks.

  2. @isi hmmm... mine looks like that too if the connection isn't right on the extendershield? i think it might mean the connection is dropping packets occasionally? i noticed that when i actually put code in the main loop, or make the delay bigger, it goes away... chris?

  3. yes, i have check the imputshield and the arduino and they are both maybe a problem in the extendershield or somewhere in the code i think. Thanks
