Saturday, November 7, 2009

Aardvark 0.8.36 Released

This is the next installment of the Aardvark 0.8.x series. Notable new features include:
  • New Library menu that's board friendly
  • New Library reference docs
  • Larger reference panel
  • The library example list auto repopulates when the board changes.
  • Added JeeNodes library (Ports, RF12)
  • Arduino Duemillanove upload bug fixed, thanks Fred!
  • Misc startup fixes
Download @ Illuminatolabs

I've added a Library Menu that dynamically changes with each different board. Here, we see the standard libraries for the Arduino family of boards:

I've also included new reference docs for the Libraries, which load up a library is pulled into the sketch. Below, we see a quick reference for the AFSoftSerial library:

Tip: A quick way to show the reference panel is to click Help->Reference.

Thanks for all the code contributions that made this all come together.


  1. I guess I am a little confused.. doesn't the Antipasto Arduino have capability to write to a Illuminato Genesis? Only the IXM is showing under the Illuminato section. When I try to modify the boards.txt and insert the cores, I get an error that states "Oops, there was a hardcore error on thread(name 'main': message 'null'). Arduino must now quit..

    Is there a different way to install the Illuminato Genesis functionality?

    I appreciate any clarification.


  2. Can anyone help please.

    On windows 7 I also get the error "Oops, there was a hardcore error on thread(name 'main': message 'null'). Arduino must now quit..


  3. Can anyone help please.

    On windows 7 I also get the error "Oops, there was a hardcore error on thread(name 'main': message 'null'). Arduino must now quit..


  4. I have Windows 7 and get the same error ""Oops, there was a hardcore error on thread(name 'main': message 'null'). Arduino must now quit." when i try to run the Arduino Win32 (downloaded from: )Does anyone know how to fix that? thks

  5. I get the "Oops, there was a hardcore error on thread(name 'main': message 'null'). Arduino must now quit..
    on Vista. Tried updating cores and boards.txt on the standard Arduino too, no luck. (I'm trying to get a Liquidware Touch Shield to work with Duemilenove.

    Any help would be appreciated
